A bit spoiled with our first couchsurfing experience, we were quick to have high expectations for the second. The flat was nice, and our host was perfectly amicable, however spent close to no time in his apartment, or with us, for that matter. We met a couple of his friends the first night, but that was the extent of our social sphere. However, that did not prevent us from gaining the most out of what Aix-en-Provence had to offer. It was a small town, fairly rich in history as well as means. The outskirts of Aix consist of literally, fields and mountains, and farmland for miles. Our stay was short, but I managed to see so much, and love every minute. Well, almost. I did manage to buy some lavender honey and lavender pouches to take home :)

glad to hear you're doing well :) aix-en looks unreal! especially in this picture:
love & miss you. stay safe! :)
Did you find me in that photo!?!?!