

It's pretty obvious by now that I have an insatiable sweet tooth, which has only worsened by exposure at a young age to baking runny chocolate chip cookies with my older sister, and climbing on kitchen cabinets with my brother to find hidden boxes of Hershey's cookies & cream bars that my mom bought from Costco Wholesale. Not to mention, having Amanda Carr as your best friend will lead you to ingestion of several tons of sugar in one sitting. But friends, I am not a person of self-indulgence. There are still sweets that exist that I refuse to enjoy. Marzipan, fudge, hard candies, and gummies, I don't particularly care for. I've never crazed over Cinnabun either. More than taste, I've always been amazed at the smell. If I could avoid the tedious act of putting things in my mouth, and just "eat" with smells and taste (like if taste buds were in my nose), I think it would be wonderful. I watched a film called "Perfume: The Story of A Murderer" in my European Film class by Tom Twyker which told the story of a man such as this. He was kind of crazy though. Well, let's be frank, he was a murderer. I would be sane, ideally. Also, I would not be a murderer. Then again, if I could SMELL AND TASTE FOOD ALL IN MY NOSE I might be.

Anyway, long story short, I made cinnamon buns for the first time and they came out marvelously :) They're fun & easy to make, I can't believe I didn't try it sooner! Still, those mall workers make it look worthwhile. Perhaps I should apply to Cinnabun (is it Cinnabon? I think it is.)

Might be warming up to these ;)



  2. My mom makes homemade cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning. These look JUST LIKE THEM. Can it be Christmas in April?

  3. I used Alton Brown's overnight recipe.
    And yes! It CAN be Christmas in April. My apartment-mate and I made a gingerbread house 2 days ago... haha

  4. ahh those were the ones i was supposed to try! they look SOOOO drooling goood...!!
