
a season.

I packed away the Race a couple of nights ago.  I sat at the foot of my bed, sorting through old airplane stubs, weathered tickets in every language, messy letters and drawings from the kids, and old notes from teammates.  Tossing everything in an olive green shoe box, I scribbled "The World Race, 2011-2012" on the lid.  My "W" was crooked and the Sharpie squeaked under the pressure of my hand.  I could hardly believe that an entire year of my life fit into a box.  I stacked the box on top of "Paris, 2010," "Winter, 2009," and old course notes.  The recent past all becomes the same larger encompassing P A S T from this vantage point.  Oh, but I'm so tired of my memories.

I'd like to give them away, or trade them in for something new.  Something shiny with ribbons and lace and the smell of change.

Well, that's just where I feel like I'm being called in this next season: away.
I've been accepted into Generation 42 (G42) Leadership Academy, a discipleship school in southern Spain.  I'll be living in a community of Christian believers and mentored by leaders in the field of my choice.  If there's anything I need right now, it's encouragement and direction in my Kingdom calling and what that looks like.  I do want this so badly. 

Here's the G42 website for more information and if you feel called to donate, just click on "Intern Support" :) I could really use the extra help! 

As we're talking about seasons. . .
I'm really obsessed with seasonal things. 
Apple cider, mulled wine, peppermint hot chocolate, pumpkin-flavored goods, ginger-spiced things.... YES PLEASE.  Someone get me a Santa hat and a pet turkey.  (Though I will not eat the turkey.) 
Enjoy perusing the photographs below of me going crazy with the changing seasons.

 Pumpkin carving with Hannah :)


 and mine!

 Pumpkin cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting for Brittany's birthday!

 Apple-picking with the best friend. 
I've always wanted to do this!!

 We made caramel apples! 

 Peppermint chocolate cupcakes!



  1. Tiffany, I'm so excited for the next season of your journey and G42! Looking forward to following each step and celebrating as He awakens your calling! Love you (and all your photos)!

  2. SO EXCITED for you!! I know the Lord is going to take you to incredible places and this is an awesome next step in realizing your dream. Love you sister!
