
I never went into teaching.

Okay, is it just me, or has there been a wave of young adults entering into the teaching profession?  Everyone and their mother seems to be either teaching English abroad or studying to become some sort of instructor/professor/personwhoimpartswisdomandknowledgeuponthosewillingtospendwaytoomuchmoneyinorderforsomeonetotellthemwhattodoinsteadofgoingandlearningforthemselves.   A teacher today is the counselor of yesteryear. (Although there are plenty of those, too)  A professor today is the business entrepreneur of yesterday.  What is that?  Not everyone can teach well, and not everyone loves being stuck in a classroom for more years of their lives, I'm sure of that -- I've had some pretty lousy teachers growing up.  So, what is the appeal?  Why the droves into a fairly screwed up education system and a low salary income?  Unless you have a real genuine passion for it and you're in it to change things and change lives, should you even be doing it?  Did you come out of a four-year university completely clueless as to what was next for you and unequipped for anything but the academic sphere, and then decide teaching because it was convenient?  Familiar?  Safe?

As a disclaimer, I'm not trying to disregard the hard work, discipline, and reward that comes with teaching at all, nor am I trying to discount the value and necessity of teachers, because I do strongly believe in equipping the next generation, but I don't think there are enough mentors out there.  Fatherly and motherly influences who have experience, and even older mentors who have wisdom to equip.  I know that there is merit to slightly older sister/brother influence, but nothing quite like the healing and security that mentoring provides.

These are just curiosities of mine and questions you might ask yourself if you're fresh out of college and completely dumbfounded about what to do with your life.  (Like I was)  However, for some reason, teaching just never seemed like an option for me of the many I had to choose from.  Why?  I'm probably the most impatient person I know.   I can't be sure, because I've never been patient enough to figure it out (ha).  When I visualize a goal, I want to take the quickest route to get there.  I also don't like to be sloppy.  Basically, I'm uncomfortable with process.

Ugh, process -- that inbetween state of being where you know you're not there yet, and you have no idea when you're going to get there, but you're powerless to speed anything along.  Process -- stuck in a rung of an indefinite ladder with an indefinite end.  Process is your lazy and sloppy friend who decided to couchsurf at your place.  He is a constant reminder of an unknown in your life.  We hate unknowns.  But process is necessary.  (Maybe not your sloppy friend)  It's mature and healthy to be okay with process.  Being okay with never seeing an end product after a long and grueling process is essential to being able to live your life to the fullest.  Another example would be investing in something you may never benefit from.

That's why I think teaching is a painful profession.  All of it is process.
Letting something go before it's ready or before you're finished. . . . . . Process.

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